Series 2

Colour Discovery 8


Colour Discovery Eight - Colour for Meaning 20th/21st Century


  • Definitions of meaning in the 20th/21st centuries.

  • Tropes

  • Psychology

  • Symbolism

Colour Properties

Colour and The Human Eye

  • Afterimage

  • Brightness

  • Hue

  • Saturation

  • Speed

  • Value

Colour and Composition

  • Main Point of Focus

  • Rhythm

  • Pattern

Modelling with Colour

  • Scale

  • Proportion

List of paintings:


  2. Gilbert Spencer - A Cotswold Farm (1930–1)

  3. Paul Nash - Equivalents for the Megaliths (1935)

  4. Edward Hopper - People in the Sun (1960)

  5. Sir Francis Bacon - Tryptych (1972)

  6. Fiona Rae - Maybe you can live on the moon in the next century (2009)