
Guide E


Guide E - Advances in Painting and Equipment


Part One - New Ways With Paints

  • Alla prima or Direct Painting

  • Blending

  • Broken Colour

  • Fat Over Lean

  • Glazing

  • Action painting/ random mixing

  • Body Colour

  • Colour Field Painting

  • Gesso

  • Coloured Glazing

  • New Grounds
    Gesso, Yellow Ochre, Grey, White, Coloured Bare Canvas - see Alla Prima

  • Outlining in Black

  • Overpainting

  • Partitive Mixing

  • Sfumato

  • Wrinkles

  • Outlining in Colour

  • Painterly

  • Pointillism

  • Underpainting

Part Two – New Ways With Equipment

  • Synthetic Pigments

  • Canvasses

  • Brushes


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