Colour Discoveries

Colour Discovery 3


Colour Discovery Three - Painting in Arbitrary Light


  • The definition of Arbitrary Light

  • The definition of Arbitrary Colour

Colour Properties

Colour and Light

  • Multiple Light Sources

Colour and Composition

  • Colour Schemes

Colour and The Human Eye

  • Colour Speed

Colour As A Subject

  • Psychology

  • Symbolism

List of paintings:

  1. Mystical Light – Exploring Single and Split Complementary Colours
    Michelangelo Buonarroti – The Entombment (about 1500-1)

  2. Supernatural Light – Exploring Triads (Triple Complementary Colours) 1
    Hieronymus Bosch – The Earthly Garden of Delights (1504)

  3. Imported Light – Exploring Double Complementary Colours 1
    Albert De Cuyp – A Herdsman with Five Cows by a River (1650-55)

  4. Mythological Light – Exploring Single Complementary Colours 2
    Jean-Honoré Fragonard – Diana and Endymion (c. 1753/1756)

  5. Expressive Light – Exploring Quadrad Complementary Colours 1
    Franz Marc – Large Blue Horses (1913)

  6. Metaphysical Light – Exploring Single Complementary Colours 3
    Giorgio de Chirico – The Song of Love (1938)