Colour Discoveries

Colour Discovery 6


Colour Discovery Six - Colour for Meaning 18th Century


  • Definition of meaning in the 18th Century

  • Tropes

  • Psychology

  • Symbolism

Colour Properties

Colour and The Human Eye

  • Speed

  • Value

Colour and Composition

  • Harmony

  • Tonal Range

List of paintings:

  1. Jean-Siméon Chardin – The Ray (1725-26),

  2. Thomas Gainsborough – Mr and Mrs Andrews (1750)

  3. Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo - The Procession of the Trojan Horse into Troy (1760)

  4. John Singleton Copley – Watson and the Shark (1775)

  5. Sir Joshua Reynolds – The Ladies Waldegrave (1780)